Academic Affairs |
academicaffairs@人兽性交 |
313-993-1585 |
Admissions |
admissions@人兽性交 |
313-993-1245 |
Advancement |
giving@人兽性交 |
313-993-1250 |
Alumni Relations |
alumni@人兽性交 |
313-993-1540 |
Athletics (人兽性交 Titans) |
athletics@人兽性交 |
313-993-1700 |
Bookstore |
books@人兽性交 |
313-993-1030 |
Center for Career and Professional Development |
careerlink@人兽性交 |
313-993-1017 |
Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning |
cetl@人兽性交 |
College of Business Administration |
313-993-1204 |
College of Engineering & Science |
engr人兽性交@人兽性交 |
313-993-1216 |
College of Health Professions |
deansofficechp@人兽性交 |
313-993-1208 |
College of Liberal Arts & Education |
clae@人兽性交 |
313-993-1287 |
Dental Clinic |
dentalguest@人兽性交 |
313-494-6700 |
Facility Operations |
facilityoperations@人兽性交 |
313-993-1240 |
Financial Aid |
finaid@人兽性交 |
313-993-3350 |
Fitness Center |
fitnesscenter@人兽性交 |
313-993-1783 |
Food Service |
feedme@人兽性交 |
313-993-1616 |
Help Desk |
helpdesk@人兽性交 / its@人兽性交 |
313-993-1500 |
Housekeeping |
cleanit@人兽性交 |
313-993-1010 |
Human Resources and Payroll |
hr@人兽性交 |
313-993-1036 |
Institute for Leadership and Service |
theinstitute@人兽性交 |
313-993- 2003 |
International Students Office |
iso@人兽性交 |
313-993-1205 |
Intramural Sports |
fitnesscenter@人兽性交 |
313-993-1783 |
Jesuit Community |
313-993-1663 |
Law School Legal Aid Clinics |
lawinfo@人兽性交 |
313-596-0274 |
Law School Career Office |
cso@人兽性交 |
313-596-0223 |
Leadership Development Institute |
theinstitute@人兽性交 |
313-993-1775 |
Learning Center (UAS) |
learningcenter@人兽性交 |
313-993-1143 |
Library |
Circulation@人兽性交 |
313-993-1795 |
Marketing and Communications |
marcom@人兽性交 |
313-993-1254 |
Parking ID Office |
studentlifeoffice@人兽性交 |
313-993-1150 |
President’s Office |
president@人兽性交 |
313-993-1455 |
Psychology Clinic |
psychclinic@人兽性交 |
313-578-0570 |
Public Safety |
publicsafety@人兽性交 |
313-993-1234 |
Registrar |
registrar@人兽性交 |
313-993-3313 |
Residence Life |
reslife@人兽性交 |
313-993-1230 |
School of Architecture and Community Development |
ar_associate_dean@人兽性交 |
313-993-1532 |
School of Dentistry |
dentaldean@人兽性交 |
313-494-6611 |
School of Law |
lawinfo@人兽性交 |
313-596-0200 |
School of Nursing |
chpsupportcenter@人兽性交 |
313-993-1505 |
Student Accounting |
StudentAccounts@人兽性交 |
313-993-1420 |
Student Life |
studentlifeoffice@人兽性交 |
313-993-1150 |
Student Success Center |
learningcenter@人兽性交 |
313-993-1143 |
Metz: |
313-993-3371 |
- Catering Manager |
313-993-1213 |
- Retail Manager |
313-993-3371 |
- General Manager |
313-993-1683 |
University Health Center |
313-993-1185 |
University Ministry |
ministry@人兽性交 |
313-993-1560 |
University Services |
universityservices@人兽性交 |
313-993-1488 |