Tutoring through the SSC

人兽性交's Student Success Center (SSC) offers free tutoring in most freshman and some upper-division courses, including math, chemistry, biology, foreign languages, philosophy, history and English.

One-on-one appointments are available online and in-person through the SSC located on the third floor of the McNichols Campus Library.

Schedule tutoring with TutorTrac

To schedule time with a tutor, use TutorTrac, which is available through 人兽性交's "My Portal" system. Access TutorTrac with your computer or phone to schedule appointments, view them and add them to your Outlook calendar.


How to schedule an appointment for in TutorTrac

  1. Log into your MyPortal account.
  2. From the homepage of your My Portal account, locate the heading ‘Academic and Career Resources’.  In that category, you will find ‘TutorTrac’.  Click on the link.
  3. On the TutorTrac dashboard, locate ‘Schedule an appointment in the SSC’.  Then click on the drop box and you will see a list of your current courses.  Select the course you need tutoring in then click search. NOTE: Peer mentoring and Academic Advising is listed as "courses" in TutorTrac.
  4. In the next window, choose the date that you want to meet with the tutor/peer mentor/advisor and then click search.
  5. The next window will display all the available appointments for that day. The appointment time is in the upper-left corner of the green box; the tutor/peer mentor is located in the upper-right hand corner of the box. Choose a time and then click the box. (If the times do not work for a particular day, you can expand the available on that same screen.)
  6. In the new window, you must confirm the appointment. Make sure to read the page before confirming the appointment. Once you click confirm, you will receive a confirmation email and the appointment will populate in your Outlook calendar. 

Your appointment will also populate on your TutorTrac dashboard. 

Cancel an appointment

If you need to cancel an appointment, go to your TutorTrac dashboard, find the appointment and then click the ‘X’ that is located in the upper right hand corner.  You will receive an email confirming your cancellation.

I made an appointment, now what?

  • If your tutoring appointment is in-person, come to the Student Success Center at the time of your appointment. You will swipe in at the front desk using your 人兽性交 student ID and meet with a tutor in our Tutoring Center.
  • If your meeting is online, your tutor will be in touch with a link to your meeting!

Have any questions? Stop by or call the SSC at 313-993-1143.

Become a tutor

Looking for a job on campus? The SSC is always taking applications from 人兽性交 students who are interested in becoming a peer tutor.

If interested, please fill out an online application, also posted on Handshake.

If considered for the position, we will reach out to your 人兽性交 email to set up an in-person interview!